Monday, February 7, 2011

Who are you?

OK, I my exuberance to get this project started I neglected to tell you all about myself and a nice person pointed that out to me today.

My name is Sonja Rossow.  I grew up in the Army, so I'm a brat.  Then as an adult I joined the ANG and stayed for almost 13 years.  I married my husband, who's active AF, during the latter part of my ANG time, and he and I have been married for 16 years.  We have no two legged children but currently have 2 cats, Oliver and Daisy.

I love the military life even as hard as it is sometimes.  As a married couple we've been stationed all over from Fairbanks, AK to Miami and a few places in between.  I've been through 3 deployments, which I know for some of you is nothing.  Each time I find myself in school doing something to keep me busy.  This time he was gone a year so I decided to get my MFA. Although this degree takes longer than his deployment (he's back) and we are still geographically separated.  Although he's getting an assignment to Maxwell AFB so this summer we can live again.  :)

If you've read one of my previous posts you'll know what it is I'm doing.  Prior to returning to school, I was an art teacher of Middle and High School students in Fairfax County.  I love art and in addition to book arts, I'm also a printmaker and paint landscapes.  Here is my website if you want to check out previous work.

I hope this gives all of you a little insight as to who I am and why I'm passionate about my topic.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, thanks! I'll write something for you, give me a little while though. :-)
