Friday the 13th has always been a lucky day for me and this year was no exception. I did my private defense with my committee members (although my husband was in the room too), and received the piece of paper that says that I met all the requirements for completion. (YEAH!) In the afternoon I gave my public presentation. I talked about the inception for the project, , the research, and the journey of making the book. I read a few of your responses and made people tear up. Thank you to everyone who made this moment possible. This part of the journey has finished but your journey is still on going. I wish you all the best and promise to mail things soon.
Private Defense |
Me talking at public presentation |
Me and Allison, my friend and fellow classmate. It was her day too! |
It was sweet of your husband to come and join you on your thesis defense, Sonja! So, how was it? Well, thesis defense is certainly one of the things grad student get nervous about, as it is the time where you would be put to the test and challenge your thesis paper. Anyway, congratulation to you and your fellow classmate!