Friday, December 30, 2011

It Begins!

Last week I made negatives for my first signature of the book.  This week I went to Gordo, AL to  Studio 150 to begin the madness.  There is an apt. there that I'm able to stay at during the week. I was able to print 3 folios.

I had to go back to school during the week and remake a few negatives. Although they proofed well on newsprint, when I printed on the real paper, I found that I had words that had blown out.  That means that for whatever reason, when the negative was exposed in the platemaker, that part of the negative did not fully make contact with the plate material and it get's fat.

Printing take a lot of patience.  You need to be watchful of everything. It can take a very long time for the make ready before you print on the actual paper.  Sometimes I think I should have stock in a newsprint company.  Everything must be perfect. Items that you are looking for are the base line of the words lining up front to back page, and margins - both the left and right.  Sometimes tweaking both with the plates and the machine is seemingly endless and other times, everything lines up perfectly.  I'll have to take a movie about this process and post it.

So this is what it is beginning to look like  Two pics.  First is a close up of one half of a folio I printed and then the three completed folios stacked up.  That means I have 13 more folios to go!  Going back next week to print more.  Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Studio 150
To make paper more visually interesting printer's use a variety of  methods.  I decided that my paper needed a subtle background on it.  So I created a collograph based on the digital design on military uniforms. I used a piece of 3/4 inch plywood for the base, bristol paper cut into square shapes and matte medium to seal it on the board.

Yesterday, I went to Studio 150 in Gordo, AL to begin printing it.  I printed for a little over 4 hours and I can tell that I did. Today my right arm and shoulder is very tired and sore from cranking the rollers down the bed of the press.
Press I am printing on - a Vandercook 4.  See the block in the bed of the press?
Can you see the printing?  It's hardly visible.  Just what I want.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Designing is done!!!

Today I finished designing the thesis.  All of the text and pictures are in and ready to be sent to the guy who will make negatives for me.  Yeah!  Above is an example of one of the spreads.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Designing and paper making

I've been very neglectful in not posting in the last month.  That does not mean I have not been busy with the thesis.  In early November I started to design the book and also get material for making the purple paper for the covers and end sheets.  I went to the Maxwell AFB Thrift Shop and found a variety of purple shirts and one child size jean dress.  It made a great paper.  I beat and pulled a small batch to make the cover material.  I've posted a short clip of what it's like to beat fiber.  Then the result of the pulp after the paper dried.

I thought you also might like to see a screen shot of how I'm designing.  I'm using InDesign to create the document that will then be sent to be made into negatives.  Next will be making the images to go into the book.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Research Trip

Outside of US Army Heritage Collection

Last week was a whirlwind.  I arrived in Baltimore, got the rental car and drove to Carlisle, PA to my first destination. The US Army Heritage Collection.  Once I signed the proper documents in order to look at manuscript in the collection, I was able to begin looking at letters and diaries of spouses from a the Civil War to WWII.  It was sometimes tedious but most of the time very interesting.  The Civil War letters I read were the most interesting.  While the letters contained comments on daily life, it was exciting to read about the different well known figures of that time period in a more personal context instead of in history books.  They also talked about how the place where they lived was patriotic without party lines and the murder of Lincoln.

On a side note, it was beautiful in that part of the world.  I even got to go to a farmers market that had a huge variety of apples fresh off the trees, fresh baked goods, vegetables, dairy items and meats.  The fall colors were in full force and the architecture of the town was terrific.  So much history.  I think I could live there for a while but, alas, I don't think that will happen.

After two days of research there, I drove down to DC to go to the Library of Congress.  Again I had a great experience.  There I handled and read manuscripts from the Revolutionary War to the Frontier time.  I also took the time to go over the Jefferson Building and see the magnificent architecture of that building.  I had never been there while living in the area.  (I apologize to all of my DC friends.  I know I should have called and gotten together with you but I really was so tired and couldn't see straight after the end of each day I just wanted to crawl into bed)

In the end it was a good trip and I have my historical perspective for the book.  My conclusion is that those women had the same concerns that we are modern day spouses have.  While I have most of the responses in InDesign, it's time to get serious about the design of the book.

A manuscript

Library of Congress
Manuscript Reading Room

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

All Set

I met with Dr. Luzius, the director of the Air Univeristy Library, and the Murphy's today.  Dr. Luzius is was very open to the idea of my gallery show being there.  The gallery space is in the lobby of the library.  While it's more of a display case, it will work.  I will just modify a few things from the show in Tuscaloosa.  We decided that May would be a good time to have the show.  They are doing some renovations to the facility and by May things may be more contained.  Right now there is office furniture in the lobby that is being moved to another building.  So it's all set. Exciting!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Another opportunity

Yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from a lady I had met the week previously.  I told her and the other ladies at the table about my thesis, including that I also must have a gallery show about my thesis.  She and I had a private conversation after and I gave her my business card.  She thought that it might be something they might be interested in at the Air University Library on Maxwell AFB.  When I answered the phone and she reintroduced herself, it took me a moment for it to all click.  The library is VERY interested in having the exhibit there after I have the show up at school!  So we are setting up a meeting for this week to talk details.  She also said that the base paper would do an article.  Talk about excited!  It's really got me thinking that maybe other military or just libraries might be interested in the same.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Making decisions and men

I have been thinking about the cover of the book for a while. Originally, I was going to make the cover part book cloth and part handmade paper.  Now I've decided that instead of just part of the cover being handmade paper, I wanted the whole thing to be made of handmade paper.  So it's back to the paper mill for more paper making.  I also decided that I want the cover to be purple.  Anybody see where this is going?  I am also going to make the end sheets a lighter purple.  I think it's going to look great.  Still making decisions on the imagery.  I do know I want it to be a silhouette of something.

This week was exciting in regard to responses.  I have my first two men responding as spouses and a third for sure!  I've also been posting on various FB military spouse groups to gather more responses and gotten some that way.   Only need about 7 more.  :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Get well Bud Day

Tomorrow was supposed to be the trip to Ft. Walton Beach, FL to meet Mr and Mrs. Bud Day.  He is the former POW and Medal of Honor recipient who came up to Maxwell AFB for the Warrior Symposium.  A few of us ladies were going down to interview Mrs. Day for my thesis.  For the past few days we were trying to confirm our trip and today Mrs. Day responded that Bud had fallen down this week and had been to the Dr.  It was discovered that things weren't good with his heart and now he is going to have a pacemaker put in tomorrow or Tues.  Please put them is your prayers if you are a religious person or send good thoughts to them.  Interviews can wait.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Trimming the paper

Today I finally finished trimming all of the thesis paper! When it's time to print, I'll be ready.  In total it took me about 2 hours to trim all sides.
Add caption

Monday, September 19, 2011

Gulfport, MS and the lovely ladies of The Armed Forces Retirement Home

Friday dawned early and I drove down to Gulfport, MS to interview the ladies at The Armed Forces Retirement Home.  The weather was fantastic.  Blue skies and not to humid.  When I walked into the building, the ladies were waiting in the lobby.  How lovely.  I went to the security desk to become official and in we went to a room to begin the interviews.

I am so amazed by these ladies.  Four of them were veterans from the WW2 era and the fifth had joined the Army in 1954 and had a full 20+ year career.  Did you know that in the 1940's if you were a woman, you had to be 20 to join the service?  I had no idea.  It was wonderful to hear stories of their time in service in addition to being a military spouse. We spent about an hour and a half talking.  I can't wait to transcribe the interviews and share their stories.

I also had a chance to see some of the common areas of the facility.  It is beautiful.  So open and clean.  There are rooms for all kinds of activities and the administrative staff are helpful and enthusiastic.  If this is retirement living, I'm there.

So a big Thank You to the ladies I interviewed.  I believe that I will be back in the future to talk again them and to others about being women veterans.  Another book idea.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Incentive for Contributing and other things

I was having an e-mail conversation with someone about this thesis and my lack of contributions.  She suggested that I give an incentive for peoples thoughts.  I had thought about it and for some reason put it on the back burner thinking I'd just surprise people with a gift after the fact.  But now, I'm telling people up front that for their contribution, they will receive a letterpress printed broadside, in this case broadside means a mini poster, of their contribution.  I can't promise it will be on handmade paper but that is my intent.  So when you send me your thoughts, please send along your address so I can mail it to you when the time comes.

On another note, yesterday, I had the great pleasure of coming across a wonderful website called, Her War Her Voice  They also have a FB presence. I'd encourage anyone who is feeling lonely or blue to go there.  I e-mailed to see if I could post something about the thesis on FB and I got a wonderful e-mail back.  Melissa, one of the founders, after reading about the project posted the most lovely thoughts about it one their FB page.  I will be ever grateful.  From that I've received several responses and hope that it blossoms even more contributions.

I'll be going down to Gulfport, MS next Friday to interview some folks at the Armed Forces Retirement Home.  Should be interesting.  If anyone out there is in the area and wants to talk to me, I'd be happy to meet with you.

 I'm also going to be traveling to the DC/PA area at the end of Oct. for some research at the Library of Congress and Army Heritage Center in Carlisle, PA.  So again, if you'd rather talk in person then e-mail me an thought, I'd meet up with you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doris Day

Ok before you start singing Que Sera, Sera.  That is not the Doris Day I'm talking about.  This Doris Day is the spouse of a WWII vet who is a medal of honor winner and former POW.  She and her husband came to Maxwell AFB to take part in the Warrior Symposium.  This is an event that is held for every Squadron Officers School class.  They invite 2 people who have had an impact or inspire those in the military.  The night before the event, the commanders and spouses are invited to attend dinner with the speakers. Anyway, Doris came along with her husband and while I was not able to go to the dinner, my husband did and said how inspiring it was.  The next day I saw another wife who was there and she sat by Doris and began to talk to her.  She asked her if she had ever written her story down and got a negative response.  Then she said to me that she had her contact info and wouldn't she be a great addition to my thesis project.  Yes - she would.  So after a few e-mails about when and where.  So on Sept. 26 myself and a couple of other spouses are headed to Ft. Walton Beach to meet and interview her.  I'm thinking that my next artist book will be devoted solely to her story.  So very excited about this.

Friday, August 19, 2011

U.S. Army Heritage Collection Online

Spent some time today exploring this collection.  I found lots of letters and diaries but unfortunately they  not digitized and I do not live on the East Coast anymore to enable a visit.  However, they will look for things for you.  So I've sent a message to them and hope I get a reply.  They also have the largest known collection of civil war photographs.  Those are really interesting.  I found several that I want them to copy for me to possibly use in the book.

Here is the website address:

I've still been posting things on different mil spouse venues in hopes of getting some responses.  I've come up with what you could call a talking points sheet that tells about the project and gives questions incase people don't know what to write about.

I went to the clinic on Maxwell AFB to get prescriptions filled.  While I was waiting in the pharmacy area, I want to go up to spouses sitting around and tell them about the project.  But I fear they'll think I'm a little crazy and call the Security Police.  :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ft. Sam Houston and the other things

Wives (of US Army Captains) join drag hunt

In late July I went to San Antonio to print a book and my friend Lauren do some research for her next artist book.  We traveled to some sites in San Antonio including the Institute of Texan Cultures special collection library of manuscripts and photographs.  As I will need some sort of illustration or visuals to include in the book,  I thought I'd look through what they had on Ft. Sam Houston, a very historic Army fort that is still very active today.  In fact, I lived on Ft. Sam Houston two times as a kid.  So I began to search the files and found a few gems of past wives doing various things.

I also contacted the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, MS to see if there was anybody interested in being interviewed for this project.  The response was positive and I'll go down on Sept. 14th.  

However, I am a little discouraged about the lack of responses I've gotten from current spouses.  I hope that will change with a little creative thinking on my part for that is really the whole point of this - to have those who stand beside or behind the active duty member - give a voice to who they are.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Start It Up, Again

I can't believe that summers almost gone, that I've moved 2 hours south, received our household goods and for the most part gotten everything in it's place.  Now I can get back on track conducting research about mil spouses from the distant past.  I'm also hoping to go to Gulfport, MS to the Armed Forces Retirement facility there and interview mil spouses from the not so distant past.  Now that I'm back online, I hope to post about my progress on a more regular basis.  Cheers!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Paper is done!

Well after 3 intense weeks of paper making, I finished with a total of 1172 pieces of paper.  Quite an accomplishment if I do say so myself.  I'm quite glad to be done with it although I love to make paper.  Here are a couple of pictures.  The first is of the pulp in the beater.  The next two are the stack of paper from two different angles.  Can you tell I'm happy!!  Now the next phase begins.  Researching spouses thoughts of the past through special collection libraries diaries and letters.

Monday, May 16, 2011

More papermaking

Now that the initial part of the crisis here in Tuscaloosa has past, it's time to get back to the business of making paper for my thesis.  This will be a reoccurring theme this month and next.  I'm trying to get all of my paper made while I'm still living in Tuscaloosa.  Last week I made about 225 sheets of 9 x 11.  With what I've made before, I'm about 1/4 to the end of this phase of the thesis project.

This is of The Lost Arch Papermill, our papermill at UA. It is located in the basement of Woods Hall which is the art building. It's a small space but gets the job done.  I'm making black paper for another project in this photo.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tornado in Tuscaloosa

I'm sure all of you know by now that an EF-5 hit Tuscaloosa last Wed.  Needless to say, not much is happening on the thesis front.  I along with everyone else have been busy helping professors and friends that lost their houses.  It's been a busy last 5 days packing items that are left and dismantling anything that can be salvaged.  I've also been busy locating my students from the Art class I teach.  Found all but one.  I know that Tuscaloosa was not the only community affected by these terrible events.  Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Voices from the past

The semester is almost over and while things are a bit crazy.  However, I have had time to start a little research on women's diaries and letters from the civil war period. It's been very interesting and I've come to conclusion that no matter what time period, we all have the same cares and concerns. The everyday news from home. The whining and concern for safety among other things. Here is just a sample of what I've found.  Enjoy.

Letter from Harriet Jane Thompson to William G. Thompson, August 30, 1862

"I wrote you a short note the evening I got here but I thought you would want to hear from me again. I directed my other letter to Benton Barracks and I have worried so for fear you would not be there to get it. I looked for one from you last night but I was disappointed. I felt a little homesick last night and I do hope Solomon will be down for me today for I have heard nothing but complaining since I got here. When it is not about her (Lauretta) being sick and about her wishing she was strong as I am, it is about John being gone to war and I have got tired and sick of it. Just as though her husband was any better to go than mine and I do not think that she loves him any more but I would rather have my husband in the army than a coward by my side althought it is very lonely. It is the first thing in the morning and the last thing when I go to bed wondering where you are and if you are well. I hope you will take good care of yourself and be careful and not take cold for you had a cough when I was there and if you are not careful you will be ill. . ."

Then from November from the same wife

"Mr. Risker wants to get our cow. He says we have a meat bill there and he wants the cow. I wish you would tell me what to do. He says he will give $13.00 for her. . . . Oh dear, I do wish you were at home. I have heard since I got home that you were marching back to Springfield and I am in hopes you can get a furlough and come home. I wish you would resign. This thing of living alone is awful. I wish this terrible war was over. Please excuse this bad writing for I am in a hurry to get this in before the mail closes. Will you come home in the Spring to stay? Write soon and often to your wife,  Jane"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

So far so good!

The verdict is in, I think.  I was the last to talk about my proposal in class last Thursday.  There were no objections just questions which I answered.  So I'm not planning to change anything in it.

I was at an opening last Thursday for one of the thesis book art students.  After viewing her fabulous show, I talked to the gallery manager.  He told me that my proposal for using the same gallery space was accepted for next April.  Yeah!  One more hurtle down.  That makes me very happy.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Graduate Symposium

As part of this year and getting ready for actually doing the thesis project, we are required to take this class.  It's main pupose is to help people get organized with and presenting our thesis proposal to our committee and if tcohort members have never had a "real" job before get a CV/Resume together among other items that will be important such as a teaching philiosphy, workshop proposal, etc.
Today was round one on the thesis proposals with just the cohort and professor.  I felt prepared and except for a few minor changes in schedule layout, it was thought to be good.  But the real test will be next Thurs. when we meet with the people who approve it.  I'll let  you know what happens next week.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Paper making in San Antonio

Back from a great week of making paper and teaching letterpress at The Southwest School of Art.  On Monday I beat the fiber I'd brought with me from Alabama and Tuesday was an all day event of paper making.  It took a total of 6 hours to beat all of the fiber and then all of the next day to make the paper. The paper turned out a nice oatmeal color with flecks of DCU/ABU in them.  In total I made 141 sheets of 9 x 14 paper.

All of the pulp blended together

Wet Sheets of paper couched (cooched) on a pellon

Drying system at SSA

This is the stack of paper made there!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Next week is Spring Break and I'm going to San Antonio to teach a letterpress class at the San Antonio School of Art.  I'm also going to take advantage of their fantastic paper making studio.  I started making paper for the thesis project over Christmas break and now I'm going to make more.  I figure that I'll need to make 980 pieces of 8 x 10 paper in order to make an edition of 45 books.  I'm using a mix of cotton rag, cotton linter, abaca and uniform.  It make a great beige paper.

                                                                    Paper studio at SSA

                                            J helping make thesis paper at school paper studio

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Viewpoints from the past

Lat night I was doing a search for guides for wives, any branch service, on how to conduct yourself and the family.  I remembered seeing one in the 80's at a base commanders house and chuckling and rolling my eyes at the formal conduct expected as a military spouse.  Not to long ago a friend of mine received a new version of the same and it too was just as funny.  Anyway, I thought it might be interesting to incorporate some of that in my book.  (Just a thought)
As I was searching, I came across an obit for a lady, Peggy Teeters, who in the 60's write a column for the Atlanta Constitution on being an Army wife during WWII.  I am going to try to find these articles.  Might just have to do a road trip to Atlanta for research - Trader Joes and Dekalb Farmers Market here I come!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Who are you?

OK, I my exuberance to get this project started I neglected to tell you all about myself and a nice person pointed that out to me today.

My name is Sonja Rossow.  I grew up in the Army, so I'm a brat.  Then as an adult I joined the ANG and stayed for almost 13 years.  I married my husband, who's active AF, during the latter part of my ANG time, and he and I have been married for 16 years.  We have no two legged children but currently have 2 cats, Oliver and Daisy.

I love the military life even as hard as it is sometimes.  As a married couple we've been stationed all over from Fairbanks, AK to Miami and a few places in between.  I've been through 3 deployments, which I know for some of you is nothing.  Each time I find myself in school doing something to keep me busy.  This time he was gone a year so I decided to get my MFA. Although this degree takes longer than his deployment (he's back) and we are still geographically separated.  Although he's getting an assignment to Maxwell AFB so this summer we can live again.  :)

If you've read one of my previous posts you'll know what it is I'm doing.  Prior to returning to school, I was an art teacher of Middle and High School students in Fairfax County.  I love art and in addition to book arts, I'm also a printmaker and paint landscapes.  Here is my website if you want to check out previous work.

I hope this gives all of you a little insight as to who I am and why I'm passionate about my topic.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Changing title of blog

I decided to change the name of the blog to the title of my thesis project.  I hope too that more people come and look at this blog.  I've joined several sites in hopes that I get some more participation in this project.  If you come across this and aren't a military spouse, please continue to read and enjoy but I would also sake that you pass this blog along to anyone that you know who is a military spouse.  I hope it will be an amazing journey.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Oprah and a working title

I missed the Oprah show yesterday. I had class. Not that I'm a big follower anymore but the show was special. Michelle Obama and others were on yesterday to announce a new initiative for military families. I went to her website and looked at the comments that people had made in response to the show. Many were made by military wives. I was blown away by a lot of them. I wish I could include some of their comments in my book but I'm would not want to come off sounding like I'm in left field. I did make my own comment.

I have also been thinking about what I would title the book. I thought about a few options but I nothing really stood out. Then it popped into my brain. Holding Down the Fort. I don't know if that's what it will end up to be but.. This is something my mom would say when dad was gone on TDY or deployment when we were kids. She'd say something like, OK now I'm holding down the fort while your dad is gone.... I know it has a distinct Army feel and that's OK. I grew up Army and I also like that it gives a nod to my mom who for 30 of my dad's 32 year Army career stood by him and sacrificed along with all those other wives.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Book Arts

For those of you who come across this blog and wonder what it's about, let me explain in a little more detail what I am doing.

I am a second year MFA candidate at the University of Alabama Book Arts program. What is book arts? Well, it can mean many things to people. I like what the Center for the Book in NYC says, " Today many artists adapt the form and materials of the book to communicate their content. There are traditional letterpress books with beautiful typography, fine bookbindings, artists' books, and sculptural bookworms. "

In my third year, in order to complete my MFA, I have to complete a book project. As the book stands now in my mind it will be made of handmade paper that I will make. I will use photopolymer plate to letterpress the text and some of the images. Hopefully printed on my Chandler and Price clamshell press. I also plan to use linoleum and other media to create images. As far as the binding, I'm leaning toward a traditional flat back cased in book. It will have 4 or 5 sections. How many sections will depend on how much of a response I receive from everyone out there.

Here are some sites that might be of interest to you. - Richard Minsky is a legend of the book arts world.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Starting the project

I am starting this blog to enable those who want to participate in my thesis project have a place to put their thoughts. I am very excited about this project and can't wait to start hearing from military spouses and read their experiences or thoughts that I can use for my thesis book project. Some of you might not know what to write. You do not need to be a writer so don't worry about what you say.

You may want to write about the everyday.
What it is/was like to be married to a person in the military.
The routine of it all.
Moving around
The friends you make
Raising children, sometimes feeling like a singe parent due to circumstances
What you like(d) best about it
What you like(d) least about it

What you write can be as short as a couple of sentences or an essay.

I will keep everyone posted as this process goes along. I will not graduate until a year from now.